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find bargain homes in SHAKER HEIGHTS OHIO For

Shaker Heights, Ohio is a neighborhood community for families and businesses.

Finding the right home or commercial property is key.

Knowing WHERE to look for real estate deals (deal finder real estate) i.e., bargain homes for sale or bargain condos for sale makes finding those homes in Shaker Heights, Ohio for sale easier and more affordable to own.

In Shaker Heights real estate inventory, whether searching for occupancy or investment, here you can locate the most beautiful homes for sale, homes for rent, rent to own homes, rent to own condos, in addition to relocation to move in ready homes. (NOTE: May also see listings as lease to own homes and lease to own condos.)

To make an informed decision whether to choose Shaker Heights to reside, here, you will learn more about living and/or working in Shaker Heights. Then, you can search for deals for properties whether you are a buyer or renter occupant-to-be or an investor that flips homes.


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Shaker Heights Ohio City Resources & Information

Shaker Heights City Hall - Shaker Heights Ohio

The Shaker Heights, Ohio City Charter, adopted in 1931 and changed in 1974, 1986 and 1999, offers its Mayor and seven (7) Council members elected on a non-partisan, at-large basis for 4 years.

Terms are staggered, with the Mayor and 4 Council members selected at one political election and three Council members selected at the next.

Select a current Council member to learn more about them, including how to get in touch with the member and their Committee assignments.

Considering a Move to Shaker Heights, Ohio
Relocation to Shaker Heights, Ohio

YouTube Channel: City of Shaker Heights

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Vogue Theater Van Aken Blvd Shaker Heights, Ohio
History: Vogue Theater
20200 Van Aken Boulevard
Shaker Heights, OH 44122

The Vogue Theatre opened in May 1947, and was first operated by Warner Brothers Circuit Management Corporation. Designed by the architectural firm White & Boenisch, with Weinberg, Laurie & Teare as associate architects. The single story entrance facade was in a Neo-Colonial style of red brick with white trim. A feature of the foyer was a 14 x 7 feet photomural of Warner’s Burbank Studio’s, which was set in a wall panel. Seating in the Art Moderne style auditorium was all on a single level.

Later operated as an independent, the theatre closed in 1986, and has since been subdivided into retail stores.

Shaker Heights has grown in many important ways over its first 100 years. This is due to its solid foundation:

Careful planning
Consistent and proactive leadership
Residents who are deeply committed to the prosperity of the community

The Early Years: From Settlement to City

The North Union Shakers, a utopian religious sect, settled here in 1822. Known as The Valley of God’s Pleasure, the colony included several mills, farms, a Meeting House, and a school. When Cleveland emerged as an industrial metropolis, the dreams of the North Union Shakers faded. Horseshoe Lake, the Lower Lakes, and a handful of streets were all that remained of the Shaker community.


➪ • BoulevardFernwayLomondLudlowMalvernMercerMorelandOnawaySussex 

Shaker Heights Ohio Schools & Libraries

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Relocation to Move In Ready Homes in Shaker Heights, Ohio


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Where Shaker Heights is Located:

Shaker Heights, Ohio
Search for Bargain Homes in Shaker Heights Ohio For Sale, For Rent, & Rent To Own

City of Shaker Heights, Ohio


3400 Lee Road
Shaker Heights, OH 44120


Monday - Friday
8:30 am-5 pm

Phone / Fax

Phone: 216-491-1400
Fax: 216-491-1465

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NOTE: This website is not associated with the City of Shaker Heights, Ohio.